From the Book - First edition.
Introduction: A new approach to your career
Part I Understanding job moves. Learn what causes people to change jobs ; Step 1: Identify what jump-started your latest quest
Part II Discovering what's driving you now. Think "experiences" before "features" ; Step 2: Know what you want driving your energy ; Step 3: Catalog your capabilities ; Step 4: Name your quest ; Step 5: Prototype and design your future ; Step 6: Converge on your path
Part III Getting to where you want to go. Step 7: Embrace trade-offs in the job market ; Step 8: Craft your career story ; Step 9: Apply for jobs you'd like to hire
Part IV Helping others get where they want to go. Build a team your employees want to rehire each day ; Pay it forward
Conclusion: Where are they
Appendix A Glossary of pushes and pulls
Appendix B Notes from Clara's interview
Appendix C Job prototype template
Appendix D Templates for requesting an introduction and conversation
Appendix E Ten common interview questions
Appendix F Personal sheat sheet template